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Registros recuperados : 35
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21.Imagen marcada / sin marcar REALINI, C. E.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; GUERRERO, L.; PETERS, Z.; NUTE, G. R.; CAMPO, M. M.; SAÑUDO, C.; OLIVER, M. A. Efecto del sistema de alimentación sobre la aceptabilidad de la carne de vacuno uruguaya en el mercado europeo In: MONTOSSI, F.; SAÑUDO, C. (Eds.). Cooperación Hispano-Uruguaya. Diferenciación y valorización de la carne ovina y bovina del Uruguay en Europa: Influencia de Sistemas de Producción sobre Bienestar Animal, Atributos Sensoriales, Aceptabilidad y Percepción de Consumidores y Salud Humana Montevideo (Uruguay): INIA, 2007. p. 71-77 (INIA Serie Técnica ; 168)
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas; INIA Tacuarembó.
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22.Imagen marcada / sin marcar DE LA FUENTE, J.; DIAZ, M.T.; ÁLVAREZ, I.; OLIVER, M.A.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; MONTOSSI, F.; NUTE, G.R.; CAÑEQUE, V. Fatty acid and vitamin E composition of intramuscular fat in cattle reared in different production systems. Meat Science, Volume 82, Issue 3, July 2009, Pages 331-337. Article history: Received 5 March 2008 // Received in revised form 7 January 2009 // Accepted 2 February 2009. Acknowledgements: This work has been made possible by funding from the AECI(Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional), the...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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23.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SAN JULIÁN, R.; NUTE, G.; SAÑUDO, C.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; GUERRERO, L.; MONTOSSI, F.; MONSÓN, F.; MARTÍNEZ CEREZO, S.; PARDOS, J.J. Sensorialy evaluation of lamb meat produced under different production systems of Uruguay. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICoMST), 51., 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Proceedings. p. 166-173
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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24.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SAN JULIAN, R.; CAMPO, M.M.; NUTE, G.; MONTOSSI, F.; FONT-I-FURNOLS, M.; GUERRERO, L.; OLIVER, M.A.; SAÑUDO, C. Short communication. Sensory evaluation of commercial beef produced in Uruguay and three European countries. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2012, v. 10, no. 3, p. 712-716. Article history: Received: 01-12-11. Accepted: 28-06-12. Acknowledgements: This research was part of cooperative agreement among INIA Uruguay, INIA Spain, and the AECID Spain, with the participation of the National Meat Institute (INAC,...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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25.Imagen marcada / sin marcar CAMPO, M.M.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; SAÑUDO, C.; OLLETA, J.L.; NUTE, G.R.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; GUERRERO, L.; OLIVER, M.A.; CAÑEQUE, V.; ÁLVAREZ, I.; DÍAZ, M.T.; MONTOSSI, F. Análisis sensorial de la carne bovina de diferentes sistemas productivos y tiempos de maduración. In: JORNADA SOBRE PRESENTACIÓN DE RESULTADOS DEL PROYECTO, MADRID, MARZO, 2006; SAÑUDO, C.; MONTOSSI, F. (Coord.).Madrid: INIA (España), 2006. p. 25-26 Contiene presentación oral de M.M. Campo, p. 27-30.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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26.Imagen marcada / sin marcar CAÑEQUE, V.; DÍAZ, M.T.; DE LA FUENTE, J.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; OLIVER, M.A.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; MONTOSSI, F.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; NUTE, G.R.; ÁLVAREZ, I. Comparación entre la composición de ácidos grasos de la carne de vacuno procedente de distintos sistemas de producción europeos en relación a la procedente de Uruguay en crianza extensiva. In: JORNADA SOBRE PRESENTACIÓN DE RESULTADOS DEL PROYECTO, MADRID, MARZO, 2006; SAÑUDO, C.; MONTOSSI, F. (Coord.). Madrid: INIA (España), 2006. p. 63-65 Contiene presentación oral de Vicente Cañeque, p. 67-69.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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27.Imagen marcada / sin marcar FONT I FURNOLS, M.; REALINI, C.E.; GUERRERO, L.; OLIVER, M.A.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; NUTE, G.R.; CAÑEQUE, V.; ALVAREZ, I.; SAN JULIAN, R.; LUZARDO, S.; BRITO, G.; MONTOSSI, F. Acceptability of lamb fed on pasture, concentrate or combinations of both systems by European consumers. Meat Science, Volume 81, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 196-202. Doi: Article history: Received 8 April 2008 // Received in revised form 15 July 2008 // Accepted 18 July 2008. Acknowledgements: The authors thank INIA-Uruguay, INIA-Spain and AECI (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional) for their...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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28.Imagen marcada / sin marcar FONT I FURNOLS, M.; SAN JULIAN, R.; GUERRERO, L.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; OLLETA, J.L.; OLIVER, M.A.; CAÑEQUE, V.; ALVAREZ, I.; DIAZ, M.T.; BRANSCHEID, W.; WICKE, M.; NUTE, G.R.; MONTOSSI, F. Acceptability of lamb meat from different producing systems and ageing time to German, Spanish and British consumers. Meat Science, Volume 72, Issue 3, March 2006, Pages 545-554. DOI: Article history: Received 26 April 2005// Received in revised form 9 September 2005// Accepted 9 September 2005. Acknowledgements: We thank the AECI, INIA-Spain and INIA-Uruguay for their financial support, the people of the different...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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29.Imagen marcada / sin marcar OLIVER, M.A.; NUTE, G.R.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; CAMPO, M.M.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAÑEQUE, V.; ÁLVAREZ, I.; DÍAZ, M.T.; BRANSCHEID, W.; WICKE, M.; MONTOSSI, F. Aceptabilidad de la carne de vacuno procedente de diferentes sistemas de producción por consumidores alemanes, españoles e ingleses. In: JORNADA SOBRE PRESENTACIÓN DE RESULTADOS DEL PROYECTO, MADRID, MARZO, 2006; SAÑUDO, C.; MONTOSSI, F. (Coord.).Madrid: INIA (España), 2006. p. 41-43 Contiene presentación oral de M. Angels Oliver, p. 45-49.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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30.Imagen marcada / sin marcar OLIVER, M.A.; NUTE, G.R.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; CAMPO, M.M.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAÑEQUE, V.; GUERRERO, L.; ALVAREZ, I.; DIAZ, M.T.; BRANSCHEID, W.; WICKE, M.; MONTOSSI, F. Eating quality of beef, from different production systems, assessed by German, Spanish and British consumers. Meat Science, November 2006, Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages 435-442. DOI: Article history: Received 3 November 2005 // Received in revised form 10 March 2006 // Accepted 10 March 2006. Acknowledgements: This authors thank the Agencia Espan?ola de Cooperacio´n Internacional (AECI), the Instituto Nacional de...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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31.Imagen marcada / sin marcar DE LA FUENTE, J.; DÍAZ, M.T.; ÁLVAREZ, I.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; OLIVER, M.A.; FONT I. FURNOLS, M.; MONTOSSI, F.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; NUTE, G.R.; CAÑEQUE, V. Effect of typical production system from several countries on fatty acid composition of beef. [Abstract]. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICoMST), 51., 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Book of Abstracts, 2005. p. 32
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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32.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SAN JULIÁN, R.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; OLLETA, J.L.; NUTE, G.R.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; GUERRERO, L.; OLIVER, M.A.; CAÑEQUE, V.; ÁLVAREZ, I.; DÍAZ, M.T.; MONTOSSI, F. Evaluación sensorial de la carne de cordero procedente de diferentes sistemas de producción de Uruguay. In: JORNADA SOBRE PRESENTACIÓN DE RESULTADOS DEL PROYECTO, MADRID, MARZO, 2006; SAÑUDO, C.; MONTOSSI, F. (Coord.).Madrid: INIA (España), 2006. p. 33-35 Contiene presentación oral de R. San Julián, p. 37-38.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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33.Imagen marcada / sin marcar DÍAZ, M.T; ÁLVAREZ, I.; DE LA FUENTE, J.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M; OLIVER, M.A.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; MONTOSSI, F.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; BRANSCHEID, W.; NUTE, G. R.; CAÑEQUE, V. Fatty acid composition of lamb meat from Spain, Britain, Germany and Uruguay. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICoMST), 50., 2004, Helsinki, Finland. Proceedings. Helsinki, 2004.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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34.Imagen marcada / sin marcar DÍAZ, M.T.; ALVAREZ, I.; DE LA FUENTE, J.; SAÑUDO, C.; CAMPO, M.M.; OLIVER, M.A.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; MONTOSSI, F.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; NUTE, G.R.; CAÑEQUE, V. Fatty acid composition of meat from typical lamb production systems of Spain, United Kingdom, Germany and Uruguay Meat Science, Volume 71, Issue 2, October 2005, Pages 256-263. DOI: Article history: Received 17 December 2004 // Received in revised form 23 March 2005 // Accepted 23 March 2005. Acknowledgements: This work has been made possible by funding from Agencia Espanñola de Cooperación Internacional, Spanish...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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35.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SAÑUDO, C.; MONTOSSI, F.; OLIVER, M.A.; CAÑEQUE, V.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; CAMPO, M.M.; FONT I FURNOLS, M.; ÁLVAREZ, I.; DE LA FUENTE, J.; DÍAZ, M.T.; BRANSCHEID, W.; NUTE, G.R. Evaluación y promoción de la calidad de la carne uruguaya y otros productos agroalimentarios sobre la base de los estándares de calidad de la Unión Europea y en función de distinto sistemas productivos del Uruguay: objetivos y material utilizado. In: JORNADA SOBRE PRESENTACIÓN DE RESULTADOS DEL PROYECTO, MADRID, MARZO, 2006; SAÑUDO, C.; MONTOSSI, F. (Coord.).Madrid: INIA (España), 2006. p. 11-15 Contiene presentación oral de C. Sañudo, p. 17-22.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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Biblioteca (s) :  INIA Tacuarembó.
Fecha actual :  21/02/2014
Actualizado :  05/06/2017
Tipo de producción científica :  Trabajos en Congresos/Conferencias
Título :  Sensorialy evaluation of lamb meat produced under different production systems of Uruguay.
Fecha de publicación :  2005
Fuente / Imprenta :  In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICoMST), 51., 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Proceedings.
Páginas :  p. 166-173
Idioma :  Inglés
Contenido :  Marketing and promotion strategies for meat products in most of the current export markets, mainly in those with high competitivity, have demonstrated the advantage of been based on solid scientific and technique knowledge in order to certify and assure the nourishing innocuousness, animal welfare, human health and product quality. In spite of this world tendency, in Uruguay, there is a recent concern about this matter, so there is a need of positioning Uruguayan meat products in an international context based on this modern approach. There are many different sheep production systems in the world, with very specialized lamb meat products oriented to certain niche markets. This reality is very clear in Europe, where in the Mediterranean area, young animals are produced almost at the foot of the ewe (?lechales?) with a short period of fattening under very intensive production conditions, whereas in the North Europe, lambs are produced on intensive grazing systems with strategic use of concentrates, but remarkably heavier than those coming from the South. In this sense, the average carcass weight in 2001 was 11.1, 20.1 and 21.7 kg for Spain, UK and Germany, respectively. These differences in lamb types and production systems are also associated with a high variation in both cooking and consumption habits, determining a wide range of preferences for certain type of meats and, therefore, generating some constraints in the commercial exchange (Hernando et al., 1996 and Sañudo et a... Presentar Todo
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