01427naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400360006010000150009624501130011126000090022452007860023365000240101970000170104370000200106070000170108070000170109770000170111477300900113110510232021-06-24 2011 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.1186/1753-6561-5-S7-P592DOI1 aTORRES, D. aSelection of SSR markers for population studies in Eucalyptus globulus seed orchards.h[electronic resource] c2011 aEucalyptus globulus is a widely planted species in temperate regions of the world for pulpwood production. Its good characteristics for kraft pulping in addition to a broad adaptability to different site conditions have led this species to be employed in commercial plantations and to be included in breeding programs [1]. Uruguay has approximately 300.000 hectares forested with E. globulus being the most cultivated species in the country and representing 45% of the total forested area. The main objectives of many Uruguayan breeding programs for E. globulus are the increase of volume per hectare, basic density and pulp yield. The strategies for genetic improvement used in many breeding programs in Uruguay require seed multiplication in seed orchards to obtain genetic gain. aEUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS1 aBENNADJI, Z.1 aLIMA ALIANO, L.1 aNIKICHUK, N.1 aRESQUÍN, F.1 aBALMELLI, G. tBMC Proceedings, 2011, 5(Suppl 7), p. 59. https://doi.org/10.1186/1753-6561-5-S7-P59