Registros recuperados : 309 | |
182. | | FERREIRA, G.; QUINTANS, G.; BRITO, G.; BALDI, F.; BANCHERO, G.; PIAGGIO, L. Peso al nacimiento, destete y a la faena en la progenie de ovejas restringidas nutricionalmente desde día 45 al 115 de gestación. In: Congreso Asociación Uruguaya de Producción Animal (AUPA) (5º, 3-4 Dic. 2014, Montevideo, UY).Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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184. | | MONTOSSI, F.; ARES, G.; ANTÚNEZ, L.; BRITO, G.; LUZARDO, S.; DEL CAMPO, M.; REALINI, C. Preferencias, motivaciones y cambios e nel consumo de carne en Uruguay. Revista INIA Uruguay, Diciembre 2022, no.71, p. 43-47. (Revista INIA; 71)Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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185. | | BEMHAJA SARAIVA, M.; BERRETTA, E.; ZERBINO, M.; PEREZ GOMAR, E.; BRITO, G.; RODRIGUEZ, A.; CADENAZZI, M. Monitoreo y respuesta de las especies de campo natural con fertilización NP pastoreadas con terneros. ln: INIA Tacuarembó. Unidad Experimental Glencoe. Alternativas de intensificación, especialización, diversificación y valorización de la ganadería ovina y bovina en basalto. Tacuarembó (Uruguay): INIA, 2008. p. 3-8Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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186. | | BALMELLI, G.; RESQUÍN, F.; SIMETO, S.; GONZÁLEZ, M.; SCOZ, R.; BRITO, G.; ROSSI, C.; MARANGES, F. Montes con INIA Sombra: protección del ganado y diversificación productiva. En: DÍA DE CAMPO, 2019, UNIDAD EXPERIMENTAL PALO A PIQUE (UEPP), TREINTA Y TRES, UY. p. 15.Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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187. | | VAZ MARTINS, D.; LA MANNA, A.; MESSA, A.; FERNANDEZ, E.; DEL CAMPO, M.; BRITO, G. Resultados y discusión-componente bovino. Performance animal y características carniceras in vivo de novillos hereford sometidos a distintas estrategias de alimentación en la última etapa del proceso de engorde In: MONTOSSI, F.; SAÑUDO, C. (Eds.). Cooperación Hispano-Uruguaya. Diferenciación y valorización de la carne ovina y bovina del Uruguay en Europa: Influencia de Sistemas de Producción sobre Bienestar Animal, Atributos Sensoriales, Aceptabilidad y Percepción de Consumidores y Salud Humana Montevideo (Uruguay): INIA, 2007. p. 37-42 (INIA Serie Técnica ; 168)Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas; INIA Tacuarembó. |
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189. | | BERRETTA, E.J.; PITTALUGA, O.; BRITO, G.; PIGURINA, G.; RISSO, D. Recría de reemplazos en Basalto. ln: INIA TACUAREMBÓ. UNIDAD EXPERIMENTAL GLENCOE. JORNADA, 11 SETIEMBRE, , PAYSANDÚ, URUGUAY, 1996. Producción ganadera en Basalto. Tacuarembó (Uruguay): INIA, 1996. cap. 9, p. 1-8 (INIA Serie Actividades de Difusión ; 108)Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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193. | | LUZARDO, S.; DE SOUZA, G.; BRITO, G.; PERAZA, P.; NAVAJAS, E. Residual feed intake in Hereford steers: is it associated with carcass and meat quality characteristics?. Research article. Meat and Muscle Biology, 2024, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 1-10, 18391. https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.18391 -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Submitted 2 October 2024, Accepted 30 October 2024. -- Corresponding: sluzardo@inia.org.uy (Santiago Luzardo). -- License: This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY license....Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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194. | | BRITO, G.; LAGOMARSINO, X.; LUZARDO, S.; MONTOSSI, F.; LA MANNA, A. Suplementación infrecuente sobre campo natural de la recría bovina de sobreaño. In: BERRETTA, E.; MONTOSSI, F.; BRITO, G. (Ed.). Alternativas tecnológicas para los sistemas ganaderos del basalto. Montevideo, UY: INIA, 2014. p. 183-197. (Serie Técnica, 217)Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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195. | | LAGOMARSINO, X.; MONTOSSI, F.; BRITO, G.; BOTTERO, D.; BENTANCURT, M.; ZAMIT, W. Suplementación infrecuente con afrechillo de arroz a terneros pastoreando praderas mejoradas, ¿Es necesario suplementar todos los días? ln: INIA Tacuarembó. Unidad Experimental Glencoe. Día de Campo Unidad Experimental Glencoe [Colonia Fernando Baccaro, Guarapirú, Paysandú], 2012. Propuestas tecnológicas para sistemas ganaderos de Basalto. Tacuarembó (Uruguay): INIA, 2012. p. 26-31 (INIA Serie Actividades de Difusión ; 693) INIA TacuarembóBiblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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196. | | PIGURINA, G.; BRITO, G.; PITTALUGA, O.; SCAGLIA, G.; RISSO, D.; BERRETTA, E.J. Suplementación de la recría en vacunos. ln: INIA Tacuarembó. Jornada, junio, Tacuarembó, 1997. Suplementación estratégica de la cría y recría ovina y vacuna. Tacuarembó (Uruguay): INIA, 1997. cap. 4, p. 1-6 (INIA Serie Actividades de Difusión ; 129)Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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197. | | LUZARDO, S.; CUADRO, R.; LAGOMARSINO, X.; MONTOSSI, F.; BRITO, G.; LA MANNA, A. Tecnologías para la intensificación de la recría bovina en el basalto: suplementación infrecuente sobre campo natural y pasturas mejoradas en basalto. In: BERRETTA, E.; MONTOSSI, F.; BRITO, G. (Ed.). Alternativas tecnológicas para los sistemas ganaderos del basalto. Montevideo, UY: INIA, 2014. p. 93-125. (Serie Técnica, 217)Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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198. | | LUZARDO, S.; CUADRO, R.; LAGOMARSINO, X.; MONTOSSI, F.; BRITO, G.; LA MANNA, A. Tecnologías para la intensificación de la recría bovina en el basalto: uso estratégico de suplementación sobre campo natural y pasturas mejoradas. In: BERRETTA, E.; MONTOSSI, F.; BRITO, G. (Ed.). Alternativas tecnológicas para los sistemas ganaderos del basalto. Montevideo, UY: INIA, 2014. p. 71-91. (Serie Técnica, 217)Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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200. | | MONTOSSI, F.; LUZARDO, S.; CUADRO, R.; BRITO, G.; SAN JULIÁN, R.; SILVEIRA, C.; DEL CAMPO, M. The use of restricted grain supplementation to promote simultaneously beef production and healthy meat under grazing conditions. In: International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), 57o., 7-12 August, Ghent-Belgium, 2011. Poster session 8: Animal Nutrition effects on Meat Quality.Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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Registros recuperados : 309 | |
Registro completo
Biblioteca (s) : |
INIA Tacuarembó. |
Fecha actual : |
02/06/2017 |
Actualizado : |
02/06/2017 |
Tipo de producción científica : |
Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Autor : |
Afiliación : |
FABIO MARCELO MONTOSSI PORCHILE, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; SANTIAGO FELIPE LUZARDO VILLAR, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; WASHINGTON ROBIN CUADRO LOPEZ, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; GUSTAVO WALTER BRITO DIAZ, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; ROBERTO SAN JULIAN SANCHEZ, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; CAROLINA INES SILVEIRA ROJAS, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; MARCIA DEL CAMPO GIGENA, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay. |
Título : |
The use of restricted grain supplementation to promote simultaneously beef production and healthy meat under grazing conditions. |
Fecha de publicación : |
2011 |
Fuente / Imprenta : |
In: International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), 57o., 7-12 August, Ghent-Belgium, 2011. |
Idioma : |
Inglés |
Notas : |
Poster session 8: Animal Nutrition effects on Meat Quality. |
Contenido : |
The use of restricted grain supplementation effects on animal performance, carcass weight, meat quality traits and fatty acids profile of intramuscular fat
was researched on finnishing steers under grazing conditions. The experiment lasted for 150 days, from 11th June to 9th December 2007, where twenty four
Uruguayan Hereford steers were assigned to different treatments (T) considering herbage allowance (HA) on pasture (P) and grain (ground sorghum) supplementation
(G) according to the liveweight (LW) of the animals. The treatments applied were a combination of P allowances and unique G supplementation level, being T1 (P at 4%
HA of LW); T2 (P at 2% HA of LW without G) and T3 (P at 2% HA of LW + G at 0.8% of LW). The increase in HA and G increased animal performance, ribeye area,
carcass weight and fatness, and pistola cuts and had limited influences on meat quality traits (marbling, pH, meat colour, tenderness). Intramuscular fat was affected
by T (T3>T1>T2; P<0.01). The concentrations of linolenic (18:3 n-3) was higher for P treatments (T1=T2>T3; P<00.1). However, linoleic acid (18:2 n-6)
concentration followed the pattern of T2>T1=T3 (P<0.01). The trend in the long chain arachidonic (20:4 n-6), eicosapentaenoic-EPA (20:5 n-3) and decosapentaenoic-DPA (22:5 n-3) was similar between treatments, where the concentration was significantly higher for T2 in comparison with T1 and T3 (P<0.01),
being, in general, T1 higher than T3. The CLA, SFA, MUFA concentrations did not vary between T. However, levels of PUFA were T2>T1>T3 (P<0.01). Human health
recommendations for PUFA:SFA and ?6:?3 ratios are over 0.45 and below 4.0, respectively. The PUFA:SFA ration fell into the range of 0.11 to 0.25 (T2>T1>T3;
P<0.01), while ?6:?3 ratio was always below 4.0, ranged between 1.28 and 1.79, being T3>T1=T2 (P<0.01). This research group showed the benefits of using limited G
levels in promoting animal performance, productivity and carcass and meat quality traits under grazing conditions without affecting sustantially the wellknow
advantage of grass-fed beef for human health. MenosThe use of restricted grain supplementation effects on animal performance, carcass weight, meat quality traits and fatty acids profile of intramuscular fat
was researched on finnishing steers under grazing conditions. The experiment lasted for 150 days, from 11th June to 9th December 2007, where twenty four
Uruguayan Hereford steers were assigned to different treatments (T) considering herbage allowance (HA) on pasture (P) and grain (ground sorghum) supplementation
(G) according to the liveweight (LW) of the animals. The treatments applied were a combination of P allowances and unique G supplementation level, being T1 (P at 4%
HA of LW); T2 (P at 2% HA of LW without G) and T3 (P at 2% HA of LW + G at 0.8% of LW). The increase in HA and G increased animal performance, ribeye area,
carcass weight and fatness, and pistola cuts and had limited influences on meat quality traits (marbling, pH, meat colour, tenderness). Intramuscular fat was affected
by T (T3>T1>T2; P<0.01). The concentrations of linolenic (18:3 n-3) was higher for P treatments (T1=T2>T3; P<00.1). However, linoleic acid (18:2 n-6)
concentration followed the pattern of T2>T1=T3 (P<0.01). The trend in the long chain arachidonic (20:4 n-6), eicosapentaenoic-EPA (20:5 n-3) and decosapentaenoic-DPA (22:5 n-3) was similar between treatments, where the concentration was significantly higher for T2 in comparison with T1 and T3 (P<0.01),
being, in general, T1 higher than T3. The CLA, SFA, MUFA concentrations did not vary b... Presentar Todo |
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LEADER 02934nam a2200253 a 4500 001 1057237 005 2017-06-02 008 2011 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 100 1 $aMONTOSSI, F. 245 $aThe use of restricted grain supplementation to promote simultaneously beef production and healthy meat under grazing conditions.$h[electronic resource] 260 $aIn: International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), 57o., 7-12 August, Ghent-Belgium$c2011 500 $aPoster session 8: Animal Nutrition effects on Meat Quality. 520 $aThe use of restricted grain supplementation effects on animal performance, carcass weight, meat quality traits and fatty acids profile of intramuscular fat was researched on finnishing steers under grazing conditions. The experiment lasted for 150 days, from 11th June to 9th December 2007, where twenty four Uruguayan Hereford steers were assigned to different treatments (T) considering herbage allowance (HA) on pasture (P) and grain (ground sorghum) supplementation (G) according to the liveweight (LW) of the animals. The treatments applied were a combination of P allowances and unique G supplementation level, being T1 (P at 4% HA of LW); T2 (P at 2% HA of LW without G) and T3 (P at 2% HA of LW + G at 0.8% of LW). The increase in HA and G increased animal performance, ribeye area, carcass weight and fatness, and pistola cuts and had limited influences on meat quality traits (marbling, pH, meat colour, tenderness). Intramuscular fat was affected by T (T3>T1>T2; P<0.01). The concentrations of linolenic (18:3 n-3) was higher for P treatments (T1=T2>T3; P<00.1). However, linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) concentration followed the pattern of T2>T1=T3 (P<0.01). The trend in the long chain arachidonic (20:4 n-6), eicosapentaenoic-EPA (20:5 n-3) and decosapentaenoic-DPA (22:5 n-3) was similar between treatments, where the concentration was significantly higher for T2 in comparison with T1 and T3 (P<0.01), being, in general, T1 higher than T3. The CLA, SFA, MUFA concentrations did not vary between T. However, levels of PUFA were T2>T1>T3 (P<0.01). Human health recommendations for PUFA:SFA and ?6:?3 ratios are over 0.45 and below 4.0, respectively. The PUFA:SFA ration fell into the range of 0.11 to 0.25 (T2>T1>T3; P<0.01), while ?6:?3 ratio was always below 4.0, ranged between 1.28 and 1.79, being T3>T1=T2 (P<0.01). This research group showed the benefits of using limited G levels in promoting animal performance, productivity and carcass and meat quality traits under grazing conditions without affecting sustantially the wellknow advantage of grass-fed beef for human health. 653 $aBEEF 653 $aFATTY ACID COMPOSITION 653 $aGRAIN 653 $aMEAT QUALITY 653 $aPASTURE 700 1 $aLUZARDO, S. 700 1 $aCUADRO, R. 700 1 $aBRITO, G. 700 1 $aSAN JULIÁN, R. 700 1 $aSILVEIRA, C. 700 1 $aDEL CAMPO, M.
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INIA Tacuarembó (TBO) |
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