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Registro completo
Biblioteca (s) : |
INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
Fecha : |
24/09/2014 |
Actualizado : |
25/09/2018 |
Tipo de producción científica : |
Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales |
Autor : |
Afiliación : |
OSCAR MARIO LEMA QUEIJO, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Uruguay; ELLY ANA NAVAJAS VALENTINI, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Uruguay. |
Título : |
Pre-weaning performance of Hereford, Angus, Salers and Nellore crossbred calves: individual and maternal additive and non-additive effects. |
Fecha de publicación : |
2011 |
Fuente / Imprenta : |
Livestock Science , v. 142. n. 1-3, p. 288-297, 2011. |
ISSN : |
1871-1413 |
DOI : |
10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.007 |
Idioma : |
Inglés |
Notas : |
Article history: received 14 January 2011; received in revised form 8 August 2011; accepted 9 August 2011. |
Contenido : |
Individual and maternal additive and non-additive effects for gestation length (GL), birth (BW) and weaning weights (WW) were estimated in Hereford (H/H), Aberdeen Angus (A/A), Salers (S/S) and Nellore (N/N) breeds. Data were recorded on 4474 calves of 39 genotypes (pureand cross-bred) which were sired by 141 bulls and born in two connected crossbreeding experiments carried out between 1993 and 2004. Five crossbreeding parameter models were compared. The best fit, assessed by the Akaike Information Criterion, was obtained by the additive model for GL and by the Dickerson full model for BW and WW. The individual additive
effect of N/N increased GL by 12.0 days compared to H/H, whilst the maternal additive effect reduced it by 3.1 days. The individual additive effects of A/A and N/N for BW were +1.8 kg and ?2.3 kg, respectively. Maternal effects had opposite sign to the individual effects (A/A, +3.6 kg; N/N, ?8.3 kg). Additive effects of S/S were not significant (PN0.10). Maternal heterosis increased BW in all crosses with H/H (from +1.8 to +5.1 kg) but the individual heterosis was only significant in the crosses with N/N (2.3 kg). In the case of WW, maternal additive effects as well as individual and maternal heterosis improved WW by 18.5, 5.3 and 11.9 kg, respectively.
Additive effects of N/N decreased WW (individual, ?12.1 kg; maternal, ?34.6 kg) whilst the individual and maternal heterosis had a favourable effect (+20.2 kg; +63.1 kg). In both N/N and S/S breeds, maternal recombination losses increased WW (30.7 and 48.2 kg) and individual recombination losses have the opposite effect (from ?12.1 to ?27.0 kg). In general terms, additive and non-additive effect of European breeds did not increase GL or have any effect on BW. However, increasing proportions of Nellore were associated with longer GL compared to H/ H. The use of Nellore as paternal breed may be related to heavier BW which may increase the incidence of dystocia. Positive effects of crossbreeding on WW were mainly due to the use of crossbred dams given the significant magnitude of maternal heterosis. The best combination of individual additive effects came from the utilisation of European breeds, whilst the greater magnitudes of both heterosis and recombination losses were observed in the Nellore crosses. MenosAbstract:
Individual and maternal additive and non-additive effects for gestation length (GL), birth (BW) and weaning weights (WW) were estimated in Hereford (H/H), Aberdeen Angus (A/A), Salers (S/S) and Nellore (N/N) breeds. Data were recorded on 4474 calves of 39 genotypes (pureand cross-bred) which were sired by 141 bulls and born in two connected crossbreeding experiments carried out between 1993 and 2004. Five crossbreeding parameter models were compared. The best fit, assessed by the Akaike Information Criterion, was obtained by the additive model for GL and by the Dickerson full model for BW and WW. The individual additive
effect of N/N increased GL by 12.0 days compared to H/H, whilst the maternal additive effect reduced it by 3.1 days. The individual additive effects of A/A and N/N for BW were +1.8 kg and ?2.3 kg, respectively. Maternal effects had opposite sign to the individual effects (A/A, +3.6 kg; N/N, ?8.3 kg). Additive effects of S/S were not significant (PN0.10). Maternal heterosis increased BW in all crosses with H/H (from +1.8 to +5.1 kg) but the individual heterosis was only significant in the crosses with N/N (2.3 kg). In the case of WW, maternal additive effects as well as individual and maternal heterosis improved WW by 18.5, 5.3 and 11.9 kg, respectively.
Additive effects of N/N decreased WW (individual, ?12.1 kg; maternal, ?34.6 kg) whilst the individual and maternal heterosis had a favourable effect (+20.2 kg; +63.1 kg). In both N/N and S/S breeds, ... Presentar Todo |
Palabras claves : |
Thesagro : |
Asunto categoría : |
L10 Genética y mejoramiento animal L51 Fisiología Animal - Nutrición |
Marc : |
LEADER 03418naa a2200313 a 4500 001 1050510 005 2018-09-25 008 2011 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 022 $a1871-1413 024 7 $a10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.007$2DOI 100 1 $aLEMA, O.M. 245 $aPre-weaning performance of Hereford, Angus, Salers and Nellore crossbred calves$bindividual and maternal additive and non-additive effects.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2011 500 $aArticle history: received 14 January 2011; received in revised form 8 August 2011; accepted 9 August 2011. 520 $aAbstract: Individual and maternal additive and non-additive effects for gestation length (GL), birth (BW) and weaning weights (WW) were estimated in Hereford (H/H), Aberdeen Angus (A/A), Salers (S/S) and Nellore (N/N) breeds. Data were recorded on 4474 calves of 39 genotypes (pureand cross-bred) which were sired by 141 bulls and born in two connected crossbreeding experiments carried out between 1993 and 2004. Five crossbreeding parameter models were compared. The best fit, assessed by the Akaike Information Criterion, was obtained by the additive model for GL and by the Dickerson full model for BW and WW. The individual additive effect of N/N increased GL by 12.0 days compared to H/H, whilst the maternal additive effect reduced it by 3.1 days. The individual additive effects of A/A and N/N for BW were +1.8 kg and ?2.3 kg, respectively. Maternal effects had opposite sign to the individual effects (A/A, +3.6 kg; N/N, ?8.3 kg). Additive effects of S/S were not significant (PN0.10). Maternal heterosis increased BW in all crosses with H/H (from +1.8 to +5.1 kg) but the individual heterosis was only significant in the crosses with N/N (2.3 kg). In the case of WW, maternal additive effects as well as individual and maternal heterosis improved WW by 18.5, 5.3 and 11.9 kg, respectively. Additive effects of N/N decreased WW (individual, ?12.1 kg; maternal, ?34.6 kg) whilst the individual and maternal heterosis had a favourable effect (+20.2 kg; +63.1 kg). In both N/N and S/S breeds, maternal recombination losses increased WW (30.7 and 48.2 kg) and individual recombination losses have the opposite effect (from ?12.1 to ?27.0 kg). In general terms, additive and non-additive effect of European breeds did not increase GL or have any effect on BW. However, increasing proportions of Nellore were associated with longer GL compared to H/ H. The use of Nellore as paternal breed may be related to heavier BW which may increase the incidence of dystocia. Positive effects of crossbreeding on WW were mainly due to the use of crossbred dams given the significant magnitude of maternal heterosis. The best combination of individual additive effects came from the utilisation of European breeds, whilst the greater magnitudes of both heterosis and recombination losses were observed in the Nellore crosses. 650 $aGANADO DE CARNE 653 $aADDITIVE EFFECTS 653 $aBEEF CATTLE 653 $aCARACTERÍSTICAS DE PREDESTETE 653 $aCROSSBREEDING GENETIC PARAMETERS 653 $aCRUZAMIENTO GENÉTICO ANIMAL 653 $aEFECTOS ADITIVOS 653 $aEFECTOS NO ADITIVOS 653 $aNON-ADDITIVE EFFECTS 653 $aPRE-WEANING TRAITS 700 1 $aGIMENO, D. 700 1 $aDIONELLO, N.J.L . 700 1 $aNAVAJAS, E.A. 773 $tLivestock Science$gv. 142. n. 1-3, p. 288-297, 2011.
Esconder MarcPresentar Marc Completo |
Registro original : |
INIA La Estanzuela (LE) |
Tipo / Formato
Registros recuperados : 4 | |
1. |  | LEMA, O.M.; AGUILAR, I.; DIONELLO, N.J.L.; CARDOSO, F.F.; RAVAGNOLO, O.; GIMENO, D. Additive, heterotic and recombination losses for direct and maternal effects in growth for British, Continental and Zebu crosses. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 11., Aotea Centre Auckland, New Zealand: WCGALP, ICAR, 11-16 feb 2018.Tipo: Trabajos en Congresos/Conferencias |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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3. |  | LEMA, O.M.; AGUILAR, I.; DIONELLO, N.J.L.; GIMENO, D.; CARDOSO, F.F. Growth performance for crossbreed Hereford, Angus, Salers and Nellore. In: CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, 34.; JOINT MEETING AAPA-ASAS, 1., 2011, Mar del Plata. Resúmenes. Mar del Plata: ASAS/AAPA, 2011. Revista Argentina de Producción Animal, v. 31, suppl.1. p. 133, 2011.Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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Registros recuperados : 4 | |
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