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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar MARINO, M.A.; ERRECART, P.M.; CICORE, P.L.; BORRAJO, C.I.; WYNGAARD, N.; LAPLACETTE, C.; INSUA, J.; CUADRO, R.; LATTANZI, F.; BERONE, G.D. Effect of phosphate fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency of forage pastures. 1. Tall fescue pastures. [abstract] Theme 4 - Sustainable intensification of phosphorus supply in food production. Poster Session. In: Michelini, D.; Garaycochea, S. (Eds.). 7th Phosphorus in Soils and Plants Symposium (PSP7). "Towards a sustainable phosphorus utilization in agroecosystems." Book of abstracts. PSP7, 3-7 October 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay. p.71. Published By: The organizing committee of the 7th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP7)- National Agricultural Research Institute and School of Agronomy, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar CUADRO, R.; MARINO, M.A.; ERRECART, P.M.; CICORE, P.L.; BORRAJO, C.I.; BERONE, G.D.; LATTANZI, F. Effect of phosphate fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency of forage pastures 2. Annual Ryegrass. [abstract] Theme 2 - Phosphorus acquisition by plants and microorganisms. Poster Session. In: Michelini, D.; Garaycochea, S. (Eds.). 7th Phosphorus in Soils and Plants Symposium (PSP7). "Towards a sustainable phosphorus utilization in agroecosystems." Book of abstracts. PSP7, 3-7 October 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay. p.39. Published By: The organizing committee of the 7th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP7)- National Agricultural Research Institute and School of Agronomy, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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3.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ERRECART, P,M.; MARINO, M.A.; AGNUSDEI, M.G.; LATTANZI, F.; DURAND, J-L The intensity of water stress dictates whether the N status of temperate-type perennial grass swards is affected by drought. Field Crops Research, 15 October 2020, Volume 257, Article number 107928. Doi: Article history: Received 28 February 2020/ Received in revised form 23 July 2020/ Accepted 27 July 2020. Corresponding author: E-mail address: (P.M. Errecart).
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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4.Imagen marcada / sin marcar Berardo, A.; Marino, M.A.; Erht, S. Producción de forraje de alfalfa con aplicación de fósforo superficial y profunda RIA Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, 2007, v. 36, no. 1, p. 97-113
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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5.Imagen marcada / sin marcar MAZZANTI, A; MARINO, M.A; LATTANZI, F; ECHEVERRÍA, H.A.; ANDRADE, F Efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre el crecimiento y la calidad del forraje de avena y raigrás anual en el sudeste bonaerense. Boletín Técnico, no. 143, p. 1-28, 1997.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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Registros recuperados : 4
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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar MARINO, M.A.; ERRECART, P.M.; CICORE, P.L.; BORRAJO, C.I.; WYNGAARD, N.; LAPLACETTE, C.; INSUA, J.; CUADRO, R.; LATTANZI, F.; BERONE, G.D. Effect of phosphate fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency of forage pastures. 1. Tall fescue pastures. [abstract] Theme 4 - Sustainable intensification of phosphorus supply in food production. Poster Session. In: Michelini, D.; Garaycochea, S. (Eds.). 7th Phosphorus in Soils and Plants Symposium (PSP7). "Towards a sustainable phosphorus utilization in agroecosystems." Book of abstracts. PSP7, 3-7 October 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay. p.71. Published By: The organizing committee of the 7th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP7)- National Agricultural Research Institute and School of Agronomy, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar CUADRO, R.; MARINO, M.A.; ERRECART, P.M.; CICORE, P.L.; BORRAJO, C.I.; BERONE, G.D.; LATTANZI, F. Effect of phosphate fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency of forage pastures 2. Annual Ryegrass. [abstract] Theme 2 - Phosphorus acquisition by plants and microorganisms. Poster Session. In: Michelini, D.; Garaycochea, S. (Eds.). 7th Phosphorus in Soils and Plants Symposium (PSP7). "Towards a sustainable phosphorus utilization in agroecosystems." Book of abstracts. PSP7, 3-7 October 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay. p.39. Published By: The organizing committee of the 7th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP7)- National Agricultural Research Institute and School of Agronomy, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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3.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ERRECART, P,M.; MARINO, M.A.; AGNUSDEI, M.G.; LATTANZI, F.; DURAND, J-L The intensity of water stress dictates whether the N status of temperate-type perennial grass swards is affected by drought. Field Crops Research, 15 October 2020, Volume 257, Article number 107928. Doi: Article history: Received 28 February 2020/ Received in revised form 23 July 2020/ Accepted 27 July 2020. Corresponding author: E-mail address: (P.M. Errecart).
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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4.Imagen marcada / sin marcar Berardo, A.; Marino, M.A.; Erht, S. Producción de forraje de alfalfa con aplicación de fósforo superficial y profunda RIA Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, 2007, v. 36, no. 1, p. 97-113
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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