Registros recuperados : 5 | |
1. | | FIOL, C.; MENDOZA, A. Management of dairy heifers in Uruguay: Effects of feeding level and social environment on prepubertal development. [Manejo de vaquillonas lecheras en Uruguay: Efectos del nivel de alimentación y el ambiente social sobre el desarrollo prepuberal.]. [Manejo de novilhas leiteiras no Uruguai: Efeitos no nível de alimentação e do ambiente social no desenvolvimento pré-puberal.]. Recent advances and emerging trends of dairy production in Uruguay. Agrociencia Uruguay, 2024, Vol.28 (NE1), e1217. https://doi.org/10.31285/AGRO.28.1217 -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Received 22 Jun 2023, Accepted 20 Feb 2024, Published 23 May 2024. -- Correspondence: Carolina Fiol, cfiolepera@gmail.com --
Correspondence: Alejandro Mendoza, amendoza@inia.org.uy -- Editor: Mariana Carriquiry,...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 5 | |
Registros recuperados : 5 | |
1. | | FIOL, C.; MENDOZA, A. Management of dairy heifers in Uruguay: Effects of feeding level and social environment on prepubertal development. [Manejo de vaquillonas lecheras en Uruguay: Efectos del nivel de alimentación y el ambiente social sobre el desarrollo prepuberal.]. [Manejo de novilhas leiteiras no Uruguai: Efeitos no nível de alimentação e do ambiente social no desenvolvimento pré-puberal.]. Recent advances and emerging trends of dairy production in Uruguay. Agrociencia Uruguay, 2024, Vol.28 (NE1), e1217. https://doi.org/10.31285/AGRO.28.1217 -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Received 22 Jun 2023, Accepted 20 Feb 2024, Published 23 May 2024. -- Correspondence: Carolina Fiol, cfiolepera@gmail.com --
Correspondence: Alejandro Mendoza, amendoza@inia.org.uy -- Editor: Mariana Carriquiry,...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Nacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Nacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 5 | |
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