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Bibliotecas INIA


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Registros recuperados : 13
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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar MENDOZA AGUIAR, A. La semilla girasol entra como fuente de lipidos poliinsaturados para vacas lecheras en pastoreo: Tesis Master. Montevideo-Facultad de Agronomia-2008. 87 p.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar GAUDIN ISBARBO, I.N.; LLUBERAS RIVOIR, P.I.; MENDOZA AGUIAR, A.F Efecto del contenido de deoxinivalenol (don) y de un adsorbente comercial en el concentrado de vacas lecheras en lactancia temprana: tesis Ing. Agr. Montevideo, (UY): Facultad de Agronomía, 2003. 183 p.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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3.Imagen marcada / sin marcar KASPARY, T. E.; LAMEGO, F.P.; BELLÉ, C.; DE AGUIAR, A.C.M. Management of glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane and contribution of the physiological potential of seeds to resistance. [Manejo de buva resistente ao glyphosate e consequências do potencial fisiológico de sementes à resistência]. Revista Caatinga, 2021, Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 68-79. OPEN ACCESS. Doi: Article history: Received for publication 01/10/2019/ Accepted in 01/12/2021
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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4.Imagen marcada / sin marcar TORRES, D.; SEBBENN, A. M.; AGUIAR, A.V. DE; VARGAS, A.; RACHID, C.; RESQUÍN, F. Progeny selection and genetic diversity in a Pinus taeda clonal seed orchard. Forests. 2024, Volume 15, Issue 10, 1682. -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Submission received 21 August 2024, Revised 13 September 2024, Accepted 14 September 2024, Published 24 September 2024. -- Academic Editors: Kyu Suk Kang, Jaroslav Klapste and Eduardo, Pablo Cappa. -- Funding: This study...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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5.Imagen marcada / sin marcar KASPARY, T. E.; LAMEGO, F. P.; CUTTI, L.; AGUIAR, A. C. DE M.; RIGON, C. A. G.; BASSO, C. J. Growth, phenology, and seed viability between glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-susceptible hairy fleabane. Bragantia, Campinas v. 76, n. 1, p. 92-101, jan./mar. 2017.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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6.Imagen marcada / sin marcar CUTTI, L.; LAMEGO, F. P.; AGUIAR, A. C. M. de; KASPARY, T. E.; ROGON, C. A. G. Winter cover crops on weed infestation and maize yield. Revista Caatinga, Mossoró v. 29, n. 4, p. 885-891, out./dez. 2016.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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7.Imagen marcada / sin marcar TORRES, D.; NUNES, A.C.P.; AGUIAR, A.; NIKICHUK, N.; CENTURIÓN, C.; CABRERA, M.; MORAES, M.L.T.; RESENDE, M.D.V.; SEBBENN, A.M. Clonal selection of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus globulusfor productivity, adaptability, and stability, using SNP markers. Silvae Genetica, 2016, v. 65, no. 2, p. 30-38. Article history: Online erschienen: 27.10.2017; Erschienen im Druck: 01.12.2016.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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8.Imagen marcada / sin marcar KASPARY, T. E.; CUTTI, L.; BELLÉ, C.; CASAROTTO, G.; GROTH, M.Z; DA SILVA, G.B.P.; DE AGUIAR, A.C.M. Non-destructive analysis of photosynthetic pigments in Avena strigosa and Avena sative. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 1 March 2019. volume 13, Issue 3, , Pages 354-359 [Open Access].
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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9.Imagen marcada / sin marcar GIORELLO, D.; ARTIGALAS, A.; OLIVERA, B.; AGUIAR, A.; SERRALTA, S.; LLAMBÍ, F.; CARRERE, S.; ALIHG, N.; ROVELLA, M.I.; PAGÉS, L.; BOVE, L.; ROVELLA, D.; LALINDE, C.; WEISZMAN, M.; LLOVET, P.; LATTANZI, F. Cosecha de pasto y eficiencia aparente de conversión en bovinos de carne: dos años de mediciones en módulos de recría en predios comerciales. Producción Animal Revista INIA Uruguay, Junio 2022, no.69, p.16-19. (Revista INIA; 69).
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas; INIA Treinta y Tres.
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10.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SOUZA, B.M.; AGUIAR, A.V.D.; DAMBRAT, H.M.; GALUCHA, S.C.; TAMBARUSSI, E.V.; SESTREM, M.S.C.D.S.; TOMIGIAN, D.S.; FREITAS, M.L.M.; VENSON, I.; TORRES, D.; LONGUI, E.L. Effects of previous land use on genotype-by-environment interactions in two loblolly pine progeny tests. Forest Ecology and Management, January 2022, Volume 5031, Article number 119762. doi: Article history: Received 16 July 2021, Revised 1 October 2021, Accepted 2 October 2021, Available online 21 October 2021. Correspondence author: Souza, B.M.; Universidade Estadual paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", 56, Avenida Brasil,...
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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11.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SANTOS, W. DOS; ARAUJO, D.; TORRES, D.; CORNACINI, M.R.; DA SILVA, J.R.; ZARUMA, D.U.G.; BALERONI RECCO, C.R.S.; TEIXEIRA, M.L.M; SOUSA, V.A. DE; AGUIAR, A.V. DE Genetic divergence in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis progeny in Brazil. In: IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, August 25-29, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014. Book of Abstracts. p. 54
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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12.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SANTOS, W.; FREITAS, M.L.M.; DALASTRA, C.; SOUZA, F.B.; TORRES, D.; MORAES, M.A.; MACHADO, J.A.R.; AGUIAR, A.V.; MORAES, M.L.T.; SEBBENN, A.M. Genetic variation in Dipteryx alata progenies in Brazil In: IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, August 25-29, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014. Book of Abstracts. p. 58
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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13.Imagen marcada / sin marcar TORRES, D.; GONZALEZ, A.; GARRIDO, J.; DA SILVA, C.; DOS SANTOS, W.; LEMOS, D.C.; CASTILLO, D.; DA SILVA, J.R.; DE MORAES, M.T.; FREITAS, M.L.M; DE SOUZA, V.A.; SEBBENN, A.M.; DE AGUIAR, A.V. Strategic genetic resources from Uruguay, the Southern limit of the Atlantic forest, on the current scenario of climate change. In: Pesquisa florestal brasileira = Brazilian journal of forestry research., v. 39, e201902043, Special issue, 2019. Colombo : Embrapa Florestas, 2019. Congreso IUFRO, 25., Curitiba, Brasil, 29 setiembre-05 octubre, 2019. Abstracts. p. 269
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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Registros recuperados : 9
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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar KASPARY, T. E.; LAMEGO, F.P.; BELLÉ, C.; DE AGUIAR, A.C.M. Management of glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane and contribution of the physiological potential of seeds to resistance. [Manejo de buva resistente ao glyphosate e consequências do potencial fisiológico de sementes à resistência]. Revista Caatinga, 2021, Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 68-79. OPEN ACCESS. Doi: Article history: Received for publication 01/10/2019/ Accepted in 01/12/2021
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar TORRES, D.; SEBBENN, A. M.; AGUIAR, A.V. DE; VARGAS, A.; RACHID, C.; RESQUÍN, F. Progeny selection and genetic diversity in a Pinus taeda clonal seed orchard. Forests. 2024, Volume 15, Issue 10, 1682. -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Submission received 21 August 2024, Revised 13 September 2024, Accepted 14 September 2024, Published 24 September 2024. -- Academic Editors: Kyu Suk Kang, Jaroslav Klapste and Eduardo, Pablo Cappa. -- Funding: This study...
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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3.Imagen marcada / sin marcar TORRES, D.; NUNES, A.C.P.; AGUIAR, A.; NIKICHUK, N.; CENTURIÓN, C.; CABRERA, M.; MORAES, M.L.T.; RESENDE, M.D.V.; SEBBENN, A.M. Clonal selection of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus globulusfor productivity, adaptability, and stability, using SNP markers. Silvae Genetica, 2016, v. 65, no. 2, p. 30-38. Article history: Online erschienen: 27.10.2017; Erschienen im Druck: 01.12.2016.
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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4.Imagen marcada / sin marcar KASPARY, T. E.; CUTTI, L.; BELLÉ, C.; CASAROTTO, G.; GROTH, M.Z; DA SILVA, G.B.P.; DE AGUIAR, A.C.M. Non-destructive analysis of photosynthetic pigments in Avena strigosa and Avena sative. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 1 March 2019. volume 13, Issue 3, , Pages 354-359 [Open Access].
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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5.Imagen marcada / sin marcar GIORELLO, D.; ARTIGALAS, A.; OLIVERA, B.; AGUIAR, A.; SERRALTA, S.; LLAMBÍ, F.; CARRERE, S.; ALIHG, N.; ROVELLA, M.I.; PAGÉS, L.; BOVE, L.; ROVELLA, D.; LALINDE, C.; WEISZMAN, M.; LLOVET, P.; LATTANZI, F. Cosecha de pasto y eficiencia aparente de conversión en bovinos de carne: dos años de mediciones en módulos de recría en predios comerciales. Producción Animal Revista INIA Uruguay, Junio 2022, no.69, p.16-19. (Revista INIA; 69).
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Agropecuarias
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas; INIA Treinta y Tres.
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6.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SANTOS, W. DOS; ARAUJO, D.; TORRES, D.; CORNACINI, M.R.; DA SILVA, J.R.; ZARUMA, D.U.G.; BALERONI RECCO, C.R.S.; TEIXEIRA, M.L.M; SOUSA, V.A. DE; AGUIAR, A.V. DE Genetic divergence in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis progeny in Brazil. In: IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, August 25-29, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014. Book of Abstracts. p. 54
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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7.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SANTOS, W.; FREITAS, M.L.M.; DALASTRA, C.; SOUZA, F.B.; TORRES, D.; MORAES, M.A.; MACHADO, J.A.R.; AGUIAR, A.V.; MORAES, M.L.T.; SEBBENN, A.M. Genetic variation in Dipteryx alata progenies in Brazil In: IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, August 25-29, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014. Book of Abstracts. p. 58
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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8.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SOUZA, B.M.; AGUIAR, A.V.D.; DAMBRAT, H.M.; GALUCHA, S.C.; TAMBARUSSI, E.V.; SESTREM, M.S.C.D.S.; TOMIGIAN, D.S.; FREITAS, M.L.M.; VENSON, I.; TORRES, D.; LONGUI, E.L. Effects of previous land use on genotype-by-environment interactions in two loblolly pine progeny tests. Forest Ecology and Management, January 2022, Volume 5031, Article number 119762. doi: Article history: Received 16 July 2021, Revised 1 October 2021, Accepted 2 October 2021, Available online 21 October 2021. Correspondence author: Souza, B.M.; Universidade Estadual paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", 56, Avenida Brasil,...
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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9.Imagen marcada / sin marcar TORRES, D.; GONZALEZ, A.; GARRIDO, J.; DA SILVA, C.; DOS SANTOS, W.; LEMOS, D.C.; CASTILLO, D.; DA SILVA, J.R.; DE MORAES, M.T.; FREITAS, M.L.M; DE SOUZA, V.A.; SEBBENN, A.M.; DE AGUIAR, A.V. Strategic genetic resources from Uruguay, the Southern limit of the Atlantic forest, on the current scenario of climate change. In: Pesquisa florestal brasileira = Brazilian journal of forestry research., v. 39, e201902043, Special issue, 2019. Colombo : Embrapa Florestas, 2019. Congreso IUFRO, 25., Curitiba, Brasil, 29 setiembre-05 octubre, 2019. Abstracts. p. 269
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó.
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